Spreading the richness of Japan and the joy of eating through coverage of rice balls from all 47 prefectures in Japan

"Salt for rice balls" supervised by Kana Sugamoto

Kana Sugamoto has personally traveled to all 47 prefectures of Japan to research traditional rice ball ingredients and unravel the food culture of each region through rice balls. She is working to convey the richness of Japanese food through rice balls.

The reason she became interested in food was because of her experience with anorexia in junior high and high school. At her lowest weight, she weighed 23 kg for her height of about 160 cm, and for six years she could barely eat, which caused both her mind and body to suffer. She says that after overcoming that period, she started to pay more attention to food.

We are expanding our activities together with local producers and companies with the goal of sharing with as many people as possible the idea that "eating is living, and the joy of living," and passing on the tradition of delicious food to the next generation .

"Salt that makes rice balls a treat" is a masterpiece that was completed after repeated trial and error with salt master Inoue Yuzen of Yuya Bay in Yamaguchi Prefecture under the supervision of Kana.

The salt produced in Yuya Bay, surrounded by forests and rich in natural energy and a wide variety of minerals, is rich in flavor and umami. When Kana actually visited Yamaguchi Prefecture, she fell in love with Yuzen's salt, and now she visits Yuzen several times a year. This salt has literally become inseparable from the rice balls.


見た目も可愛らしいパッケージは全て、デザインオフィス「nendo」が監修。国内外問わず全ての方の目を惹く、インパクトのあるおむすび型をイメージしたデザインに仕上げていただきました。さらに今回、旅するおむすび屋 菅本香菜さん、スタジオジブリさんによるご縁で、鈴木敏夫さんによって描かれた「となりのおにぎり君」をあしらった特別パッケージが実現。味わいもさることながら、見た目からも楽しめる一品が誕生しました。

旅するおむすび屋 菅本香菜さんと塩匠 井上雄然さんが自信を持ってお勧めする「おむすびがごちそうになるおしお」をご堪能ください。


旅するおむすび屋 / 株式会社CAMPFIRE キュレーター/ 総務省 地域力創造アドバイザー/ 株式会社グッドイートカンパニー MDプロデューサー
